Older Posts

Your Guide to Abortion Resources
Nearly 1 and 4 people will either receive an abortion or be faced with the decision to do so in their lifetime. There are various reasons a person may decide to terminate their pregnancy; those could be due to medical, mental, physical, financial or environmental...

Your Guide to Pregnancy & Parenting Resources
Currently, more than 5 million undergraduate students across the country are pregnant or parenting. That makes up more than one-quarter of the entire student population. This highlights how common pregnancy is among young adults. It does not matter whether the case...

Resilient Warriors: Flip the Switch Of Gratitude
We all have something that we are grateful for no matter what that person or item may be and these things are important to our lives and that’s why it is so important to practice and use gratitude to become resilient warriors. This week, after watching Mick Lynch’s...

A SkeleTON of Halloween Tips
Late into October, when the nights have grown long and our horror movie lists grow longer and last-minute spooktacular costume planning is in full swing. We are just a few days from Halloweekend. Without a doubt everyone is ready to get out and enjoy a spooky weekend...

Disco Safely this Homecoming
Our purplest week of the year is here! Warriors come from near and far to celebrate with disco fever. WSU does not promote underage or binge drinking. However, we recognize that homecoming is a time of year that many students participate like to participate in...

Dear Reader: A Student Story on SA
Please note that this blog shares a student story regarding sexual assault. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, please consider the following resources: Health & Wellness Services for a SANE exam, Counseling Services for mental health, and...

You Bombed the Midterm, Now What?
We all know that college is different from high school…in many more ways than one. For me, one of the biggest shockers freshman year was that the grades I got on my tests were very much related to the final grades I received at the end of the semester. While high...

Meet Your Peers
Having conflicts with your roommates or challenges with adjusting to college? The Peer-to-Peer support program is here to help, as it is a mental health resource for all WSU students. Peer counselors are here to help students talk through some of the challenges...

Drinking & Driving: Wasted and Wheels Don’t Mix
Drinking and driving is a serious issue especially among college-aged students. Roughly 1,519 college-aged students between 18 and 24-years old die from a drunk driving incident or other alcohol-related incident. While drinking legally at the age of 21 is a common...

Your Guide to Non-STIs: UTI, BV, and Yeast Infections
Not all smells and itches “down there” are sexually transmitted. It may be hard to tell because they affect the sex organs. These non-sti concerns are infections that can be caused by multiple factors. Even though they aren’t spread just by sex, having safe, clean and...