Older Posts

When in Doubt, Don’t Smoke it Out
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter college student's experiences and impact the way they are feeling. With the end of the semester in sight and feelings of spring fever mixed with pandemic fatigue–plus a dash of finals week anxiety looming in the background–it...

Great Warrior 5K
Walk or run at your own pace with the Great Warrior 5K! WSU Health Advocates are teaming up with Great Warrior Hibernation for our annual 5K. This event will take place from April 9th–16th follow along on social media for more event updates and details. If you’re...

Study Smarter Not Harder
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact everyone's life and has increased the amount of stress and seclusion people are feeling which has led to worsening mental health and an increase in substance use and misuse. As the semester nears the end, you may find...

Why I Plan on Getting Vaccinated
Now that COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed, I’m looking forward to the brighter days ahead. For my parents who are 65+, my sister who has asthma, and my family and friends who have pre-existing conditions getting vaccinated is just around the corner and for...

Post-Vaccination Life
As new COVID-19 vaccination phases open and more people get vaccinated, it is starting to feel like the end of the pandemic is in sight. Although the COVID-19 vaccines are a huge step in the right direction, it does not mean that the pandemic is over. It is important...

Count on Me to Get Vaccinated
As vaccines are getting rolled out faster across the united states, it’s safe to say that brighter times are coming up right, just around the corner. If you’re on the fence about getting vaccinated, read these students’ stories on why they are planning on or have...

My Personal Vaccine Experience
I got the vaccine for numerous reasons which all outweighed the side effects for me. I trust science and the vaccines. I also want to protect not only my friends and family, but my fellow humans in general who aren’t yet, or can’t be vaccinated. My first dose of the...

8 Ways to Cope with Pandemic Fatigue
You may be starting to feel or have been feeling symptoms of pandemic fatigue. Maybe you’ve heard of it or maybe you haven't. Either way we’re all tired from following COVID-19 guidelines. Before you toss in the towel and say “I’m over it” – hear me out on...

Your Guide to the COVID Vaccines
Currently, four COVID-19 vaccines are being administered throughout the United States. The vaccines are Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Janssen, and Novavax vaccine. All four vaccines are proven to be effective at preventing severe illness and death...

Balancing Spring Fever & Good Grades
Spring is here and it’s time to get outside! As we enter a new season you may be looking for fun activities to do outdoors now that the weather is warming up. Lucky for us, Winona is a wonderful place to be outside and experience the beauty of the surrounding...