What Wellness Looks Like During COVID-19

So much has happened since Winona’s spring break started. Many of us left for break thinking we’d be back on campus in a week. It seemed like overnight, the pandemic suddenly became real and significantly changed our daily lives. Change is stressful – especially when...

4 Reasons to Work for the 2020 Census

Hello Winona State students! Need a little extra money to get yourself through spring semester? Then do we have good news for you. The United States Census Bureau is hiring part time census workers across the country to help count everybody in the 2020 Census. Here’s...

How to Complete the Census

The 2020 Census is coming up, and that may sound intimidating if you’ve never done it before. (And if you’ve never heard of it, here’s a quick overview of the Census). I know I thought it was going to be like filing my taxes (before I found TurboTax...

4 Perks of Not Bringing a Car to College

If you had a car in high school, it was like an open door to freedom.  You could go wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted.  Having a car in college may seem like a no-brainer, especially if you are still getting to know the city you are moving to. However, bringing...

Show Some Love for 30 Years of Dancescape

  If there is one thing I love most in life, it’s dance. The feeling of getting lost in a piece of music and letting my body roam freely is like no other, not to mention the rush of performing in front of an audience.   As a dance minor and someone who...