Why You Should Lay Low

With the semester ending in a few weeks, many students are planning to return home for summer break. As you are packing up your bags, one thing you definitely don’t want to bring home is COVID. To return home in good health and hopefully virus-free, you should...

How to Prep for Travel

With summer break coming up fast, now is the time to start talking to your family about summer plans: if you are planning to stay in Winona for the summer or if you are planning on returning home until the fall semester. Current COVID-19 guidance suggests delaying...

Where to Get a COVID-19 Test

When to get a COVID-19 Test If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please call Ask-A-Nurse at 507.457.2292 and self-report. From there, you will receive further testing guidance.  If you have come in close contact with the virus (being within 6 feet for 15...

Holiday Gathering Safety Considerations

We are heading into the long haul this winter with temperatures dropping forcing us to move indoors, we are facing more limited options to gather safely and quite frankly-ways to keep us entertained and sane over break.  Holiday Gathering Safety Considerations for...

What is Close Contact?

Whether you are learning remotely or on-campus, you are probably worried about having close contact with others.  However, there are certain criteria or situations that qualify contact as “close.”    Close contact is defined as being within six feet of a...