Dealing with Seasonal Allergies in College

Spring used to be my favorite season. I loved seeing everything blooming and growing with all the color and warmth. In middle school my favorite parts of spring became the reasons why I didn’t love it anymore. Photo by Kelsa Katzfey ’21 My Struggle with Seasonal...

Bystander Intervention Month

This month we are discussing Bystander Intervention. What is being a bystander? You are a bystander when you are watching a situation happening, and do not intervene. If you are a bystander, you can choose to become an active bystander to intervene into the situation....

Benefits of Eating Breakfast

It’s not uncommon for people to skip breakfast, but this blog will remind you why eating breakfast is beneficial, and how to find the best breakfast for you! Why should I eat breakfast? A few reasons why eating breakfast is a good idea. You get FOOD – and if you...

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

When it comes to friends – I’ve been blessed with some of the best. It’s never been about quantity as much as quality and I admit I can be picky when I pick ’em.  We’re influenced by the attitudes and actions of those we are around most often. You get out...