Well, we saw that our beloved groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, didn’t see his shadow Tuesday morning, thus predicting an early spring. Ironically we found ourselves in the midst of a #snowpocolypse… but once winter gets its last snowfall out of the way, all we can hope for is blooming flowers and longer days. Here are ways you can prepare for the early spring:

1. Exchange your snow boots for rain boots

Of course, don’t put those snow boots away until our blizzard snow has moved on, but as the weather warms up and the snow melts away, we are going to have a collection of puddles all over town that your rain boots are just waiting to jump in.

2. Stay focused

As most of us know, the better the weather gets, the easier it is for us to procrastinate on our schoolwork. However, as the groundhog predicts, better weather is on its way quickly so make sure you keep your head in the game and don’t let yourself get too behind in school. You’ll definitely regret it as finals week approaches at its famously fast rate. Make sure you are aware of ways to relieve stress as you start to feel the pressures of spring semester!

3. Get a leap on spring cleaning

Most of us will be moving out of our houses/apartments or even graduating so why not spend these winter weeks cleaning out your stuff so that you have less to pack and more time to enjoy the spring weather outdoors! If you’re looking to put your old things to good use, consider donating your unwanted items to the Jamaica travel study that SPED students are embarking on over spring break.

4. Get off Netflix and hit the gym

We all know that during the holiday season it’s hard to stick to our healthy eating and exercise routines, but soon summer will be here and we will want to feel at our best! Use this time to grab a friend and enjoy a zumba class or shoot some hoops so when the sun comes back at its strongest we can enjoy Winona’s beauty and get outside! For ideas, check out WSU’s Wellness Pinterest board.

5. Make your summer 2016 bucket list

Every summer we make our mental bucket list of places we’d like to visit, people we would like to see or new things we would like to try. So why not take a pen and paper (or for you Pinterest lovers, create a new board) and create that list. If you’re in Winona for the summer, check out WSU’s Pinterest boards “Around Winona” or “Tour Winona”– there are many hidden gems that you’ll want to take advantage of before you graduate!

6. Get out those shades and that sunscreen

The sun is returning! You can say goodbye to those gray clouds that seem to consume the sky on any given winter day, but we can see the yellow lining! (see what I did there?) Coming from someone who burns just thinking about the sun, you can never be too careful as we approach sunny weather. Not to mention the sun will sneak up on you as you’re driving to classes or home from work and with chances that the snow will still be here a while, don’t let the white reflections blind you.

7. Start mentally planning your garden

Sometimes college students can do adult things too, right? I know I look forward to growing my own veggies and bringing in my favorite flowers to spice up my apartment in the spring. If you have free time plan what you’d like to buy or a garden you’d like to start. It can save you money and tastes way better than buying produce at the store!

8. Don’t procrastinate looking for that internship

We all do it. We know we have to get in gear and start searching for the right internship before the deadlines creep up on us but don’t wait too long. You’ll want options so that you’re just as happy with your internship and they are to have you. If you need more tips and tricks on how to find the perfect internship, check out WSU’s “Warrior Professional” Pinterest board.