Blogging has really exploded in popularity, and they are a great way to learn about others and gain new ideas and perspectives on things. There are many different websites to develop a blog and followers, and YouTube happens to be one of my favorite sites. I love following different vloggers (video bloggers) and hearing their stories, and I’ve composed a list of different YouTubers who talk about wellness and promote positivity while doing so. Aspects of health can be hard to get good information about because of all the negativity and close-mindedness on the internet. These three vloggers talk about different areas of wellness including mental, spiritual and sexual health.

Ashley Mardell

Ashley Mardell discusses sexuality including homosexuality, asexuality and being demisexual. If you don’t know what some of these terms mean, I guarantee that she will clear up the confusion. I really like her videos discussing sexuality because sexuality isn’t just straight or not. Sexuality is a lot more complicated than that. Sexuality is something that’s not really talked about so if you have questions, you really have to do this research on your own. Ashley promotes her followers to ask questions. She also has a video detailing her depression so she is also a good resource for mental health as well. If you want to know more about sexuality, gender and depression, Ashley is someone you need to subscribe to and follow on Instagram.


Loey is more active on Instagram than she is on YouTube, but she promotes body positivity. She is someone who is unapologetic about her body and her goal is to let other women know that if you’re not a certain size, you’re still beautiful. She’s also trying to eliminate fatphobia because it’s rather horrendous to judge someone based on weight. She shares pictures of herself in swimsuits and other clothing to inspire women that nothing is off limits. If you are someone who struggles with body image and/or has insecurities, then she should be someone you should follow.


Zoella is a vlogger who discusses her anxiety and panic attacks. Although I haven’t dealt with anxiety and depression myself, I know friends who have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I try to be there for them. Watching Zoella helps me be a better friend to them because I will never understand what they are going through. Her videos are great for people like myself to try and better understand mental illness because there’s a lot I still have left to learn. In addition, if you’re someone who has anxiety, she may be a great resource for you. She is also present on Instagram!

YouTube is a great resource because it’s great to hear about people discuss topics that directly relate to you or loved ones. There are many aspects to health, and YouTubers do a pretty good job of sharing their stories and educating followers. I highly recommend these vloggers because they are open, honest and nonjudgemental. If you have a different blogger or vlogger you follow for wellness, let me know in a comment on this blog post!