Must-Follow Wellness Vloggers

Blogging has really exploded in popularity, and they are a great way to learn about others and gain new ideas and perspectives on things. There are many different websites to develop a blog and followers, and YouTube happens to be one of my favorite sites. I love...

How to Pick the Perfect Workout Shoe

If there is one thing I hate buying, it’s shoes. For some people, shoe shopping is a lot of fun, but it’s really not for me. If I could go barefoot and walk around and get away with it, I definitely would. One reason I hate buying shoes is how expensive...

4 Ways to Spice Up Your Workouts

It’s great to include exercise in your daily routine due to many health reasons that we all should know about. Let’s be honest though, doing the same thing over and over can get pretty boring. I used to run the track every single Monday at 7:30am sharp....