Older Posts

Marijuana Awareness
I’m sure most of us have heard, “it’s only weed,” or, “it’s natural,” to minimize the risks of marijuana use. Even if we haven’t tried it ourselves, we have most likely smelled it, or been around a person who has been using marijuana. Since February is Marijuana...

Sleep Debt: Can You Ever Catch Up?
Whether you’re a college student, professor or just simply a human being, sleep is an essential part of life. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep as a young adult each night is extremely important, but as a college student, school and work can complicate reaching the...

Stalking Awareness Month
January is National Stalking Awareness Month. Stalking Stalking is a crime of power and control, and defined as “a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involved repeated (two or more occasions)...

Winter Safe Activities
Winter can feel boring at times, but Winona has a plethora of exciting opportunities to make your winter season more enjoyable than ever! Run, walk or bike at your local park Hike on local trails Take your pet for a walk around the neighborhood Ski or snowboard at...

9 Tips for a Productive Day
It can be difficult getting back into the routine of handling classes, homework, socializing and sometimes work. If you find yourself easily getting stressed about balancing school and life, I have some ways that work for me to implement into your busy schedule....

Preparing to Live at Home Over Winter Break
After cramming for finals and running out of money, I can’t wait to go home to a fully stocked refrigerator and get to see my friends and family. However, going home for break isn’t always smooth sledding.

Graduation Preparation From A Fellow Senior
For us seniors, graduation is less than a week away and I don’t know about you–but that’s a crazy thought for me to process. I can’t believe how fast college went by and I’m still processing the fact I’ll be in the “adult-ing” world soon. I know you are all sick of...

Finals Preparation: Study Structures and Tips
We’re in the homestretch folks! You’ve made it through most of the semester! As finals week approaches, remember to take care of yourself. It’s easy during to skip out on self-care such as getting enough sleep each night and skipping meals to give you the most...

Sex Toy 101
For some, the topic of ‘sex toys’ may be awkward to talk about. However, sex toys can be a vital part of sexual health or intimacy. It is completely normal to use them by yourself or with a partner(s). It can enhance the experience for all parties involved, especially...

Your Guide to Trans Healthcare Resources
Access to trans affirmative healthcare if critical to the wellbeing of our community. There is estimated to be more than two million transgender people throughout the U.S. They come from all walks of life, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as all...