Older Posts

5 Best Apps For Staying Organized
I don’t know about you, but this semester has been tough for me! I’ve been experimenting with different ways to stay on top of my game and make sure I stay organized through it all. I often use apps to help me and here are some of the apps that I found to be helpful....
6 Dangers Of Day Drinking
Spring is finally here and as the weather gets warmer and the snow melts, there are so many more opportunities to be outside. Spring is my favorite time of year because I love warmer weather, going for walks around the lake and grilling outside in our front yard with...

Do You Actually Agree? What You Didn’t Know About Social Media Terms & Conditions
Each and every social media account you have created has asked you to agree to their terms and conditions before continuing. You probably just scroll through without actually reading, then agree to them without having any idea what you are actually agreeing to. Am I...

Resilient Warriors: The F Word
This week’s video in the resiliency series by psychologist Mick Lynch is The F Word and it might not be the same F word you are thinking of. Resiliency is about being able to cope with a crisis or issue in life and being able to quickly recover and grow from the...

3 Tips For Staying Safe Online
It’s 1:30pm and you are sitting in class. You receive a friend request from someone you don’t know, but you accept it. What’s the big deal? Later that evening you realize this new friend has been liking a lot of your pictures and posts, so you visit their account....

April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
On Winona State University’s campus, 30.5% of students have been victims of sexual assault and 20.5% of students have been victims of domestic violence in their lifetime according to the most recent Boynton College Student Health Survey. April is Sexual Assault...

Resilient Warriors: CHEERS
This week, Psychologist Mick Lynch is talking all about the importance of self-care and what his acronym CHEERS stands for. This acronym can help to remind us of all the areas we need to focus on to become a more resilient warrior. Resiliency is about being able to...

Resilient Warriors: The Wolf You Feed
This week’s one minute resilience video, "The Wolf You Feed" by psychologist Mick Lynch is all about a story of the two “wolves” inside of us. One of them is negative and one of them is positive. Mick Lynch wants...

Resilient Warriors: Stop Comparing
Have you ever found that you often compare yourself to another person? Almost all of us compare ourselves to others every day and that can be an extremely bad habit. This week’s video, Stop Comparing, by Psychologist Mick Lynch talks all about comparing and why we...

6 Ways Intramural Sports Will Make You a Better Student
I’m sure you’ve already heard people telling you the importance of joining clubs and getting involved on campus, yet I have never heard specifics as to why. I can’t tell you about every club we have here at Winona State, but I can give you some very good reasons for...