Older Posts

5 Health Benefits of Picking Up a Book

I know what you’re thinking--who has time to read for pleasure amid the pile of projects, papers and assigned reading during the semester?! I know where you’re coming from, and let me assure you, I don’t get the chance to pick up a book of my choosing nearly as much...

5 Items You Should Have In Your College Medicine Cabinet

Springtime: Full of sunshine, running along the Winona lakes and a few cases of the sniffles. While just getting over a week-long cold, I was reminded of all the important items every college student should have in their medicine cabinet/closet for those unexpected...

Where There’s Food & Friends, There’s Happiness

With all the homework and studying, do you find it hard to spend time with your friends? Have you gotten bored with the cafeteria food? Well then do I have some good news for you! You can have friends and home-cooked food at the same time by starting up a weekly...

Got a Room? Will Work Out!

We’ve all been there before. You’re cuddled up in bed at 3 in the afternoon, already wearing PJ pants and well into yet another Netflix marathon. The snow is falling hard outside, making it difficult to even leave your room. An open bag of pretzels leans up against an...

A Student’s Guide to Sustainable Frugality

While I’m not one who lives paycheck to paycheck, I know the value of living frugally. I budget carefully and think through my purchases. Sometimes though, it seems like buying eco-friendly products and living green are too expensive for a college student’s budget....

Valentine’s Day Isn’t Just For Lovers

As Valentines Day quickly approaches, I’m sure most of us single people can’t help but dread it just a little bit. What’s the point of Valentine’s Day with no significant other to spend it with? Your plans might be something along the lines of getting a tub of ice...

7 Student Discounts You Should Try

To all those broke college students—this post is for you! Of course, this post is also for me because even though I have a job, I still feel pretty broke. This is mainly because I have all these bills to pay and purchases to make like tuition, textbooks, groceries and...

The Road to a Realistic Resolution

When making New Year's Resolutions or just goals in general, my number one mistake is making goals that are out of the ballpark huge. For example, am I really going to go to the gym seven days every single week? The answer is a definite and capitalized NO. Another...

15 Ways to Own 2015

We are barely a week into the New Year and 2015 is still young and full of possibilities for us all to be smarter, healthier, funnier, happier, kinder and generally more awesome. Here are 15 ways to improve your life intellectually, occupationally, socially,...

No Joke: Busting the Finals Stress with Comedy

It’s heeeeerrreeee.  It’s the week before finals week and, as I write this, I can feel the campus slowly descending deeper into insanity. The weight of the semester has finally come down on us at once and everyone’s stress levels couldn’t be higher. We’ve lived in...

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