WSU COVID Vaccine Finder

What to Expect When Getting Vaccinated You may be wondering what to expect when getting your COVID-19 vaccine. Besides side-effects, you may be wondering what happens before, during and after your appointment. Before making a vaccine appointment, investigate the...

How I Chose my Major

Choosing a major in college can be a tough decision to make, especially if you have no idea what kind of career you want to pursue. And if you’re an indecisive person like me, you know this decision can be even more challenging. One thing to keep in mind when it comes...

Where to Get a COVID-19 Test

When to get a COVID-19 Test If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please call Ask-A-Nurse at 507.457.2292 and self-report. From there, you will receive further testing guidance.  If you have come in close contact with the virus (being within 6 feet for 15...