Autumn in Winona | Football Games

Can you name something that’s more fall than going to a football game? In high school, football games took over my Friday nights and I would dress up in school spirit gear from head to toe ready to scream my lungs out. Photo Credit: Ka Vang ’16 College football...

Autumn in Winona | Apple Orchards

The best way to spend time with your friends and get the full fall experience is heading to an apple orchard for the weekend! I love apple picking, the delicious smells of various baked goods, hay rides and, of course, the animals! What better way to spend a weekend...

Autumn in Winona | Farmer’s Market

Are you looking for something do with your friends this weekend? Are you in need of some fresh produce but don’t feel like driving all the way over to Walmart? If that’s you, I know just what you’re looking for: the Winona Farmer’s Market! For the past three years, I...

Autumn in Winona | Take a Hike

Although it may not feel like it, today is the start of my favorite time of the year! It’s the first day of fall, people! Who’s excited? Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons. The very best reason being the beautiful fall colors happening right outside...