How to Manage Your Money as a College Student
Money is a big part of life but it’s not often talked about. Here’s stories about how current WSU students are paying for college, managing their money and using campus resources that can make your financial life easier too.

3 Reasons It Pays to Work While Being a Student
It’s daunting to think of adding one more thing to the to-do list on top of getting settled on campus, but considering having a part-time job might just be worth your while. Working while being a full-time student can provide you with many valuable skills that can be...

How to Accept Student Loans
Student loans one of the many ways students pay for college. It's a reasonable option for many people, and loans were certainly the way I was able to get my college degree. But you need to know what you are getting into, which is why there is a process for accepting...

Pro Tips on Applying for Scholarships
If you search online for ideas on how to pay for college, you'll find plenty of articles telling you to apply for scholarships. This is absolutely great advice-- and WSU offers tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships each year-- but it can be overwhelming to know...

What You Need to Know About Work Study
If you've looked at your financial aid award letter and have seen 'work study' on there, that's great news! Work study is a financial-aid based program that provides an opportunity for students who have qualified to work special access jobs on campus. Here are 5...

On-Campus Jobs
Working on-campus has many benefits; from the short commute to the opportunity to make friends and connections with faculty. On-campus employers are typically more understanding of your time commitment to school and studies. Many job opportunities on-campus also align...

6 Reasons Why Working on Campus Rocks
As either an incoming freshman or a current student who is in search of a new job in Winona, it can be hard to find work that is close by and flexible with your school schedule during the year and vacations in the summer. Well, as an assistant in Web Communications on...

WSU Foundation Scholarships: Easy as 1-2-3!
Recently, the WSU Foundation Scholarship application process was changed and now it's SO EASY. You’re all smart enough to get into college in the first place, so I know that you’re smart enough to give it a shot! How do you apply to scholarships you ask? I’ll tell...

How to Stand Out on the WSU Foundation Scholarship Application
Crafting strong answers to essay questions can make the difference in gaining a scholarship from the WSU Foundation. To make applying for scholarships easier, the application form now has 5 general essay questions that the committee will use to determine all sorts of...

6 Myths about WSU Foundation Scholarships
Scholarships. You win some, you lose some. But I hear a lot of people getting frustrated before they even apply! “Why bother? So many people apply!”, “I’m only a member of 1 or 2 clubs, I won’t get picked.” “Only freshman get scholarships, I’m not wasting my time.”...

Here’s How We Can Help If You Have to be Verified for FAFSA
If you’re anything like me, financial aid is a confusing jumble of papers, taxes and money. WSU requires students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every year and you may be selected to have your FAFSA verified. There are a...