Older Posts

My COVID-19 Story: “I Thought It Was Just a Cold”
This is the story of a real WSU student who preferred to remain anonymous. Right now, the slightest cough puts everyone on high alert. Could it be… COVID-19? Or is it just a common cold? I struggled with these questions. This summer, I’d been trying...

How to Safely Socialize during a Pandemic
Psst! Did you know that you don’t have to sacrifice your social life during a pandemic? It’s true. There are lots of ways to safely talk to and hang out with current friends, as well as make new ones. Depending on how you want to talk to or hang out with them,...

The 411 on Contact Tracing during a Pandemic
So, you’ve got to wear a mask and physically distance yourself from others. You may be thinking, What next? Well, someone who is infected with COVID-19 may or may not show symptoms, making it tough for you to know when you’re in the clear. If you’ve been in contact...

Doing Laundry during a Pandemic
Learning how to do laundry to begin with is a new challenge when moving into college. Now a pandemic has upped the ante. Many students living on campus at Winona State have their own laundry facilities that are similar to a laundromat. For those who live off campus,...

What You Need to Know about Exercising during a Pandemic
Let’s get physical! Physical activity is beneficial for your physical and mental health. During the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s best to workout outside while maintaining a physical distance from others. However, it’s not always possible to...

Coping with COVID-19: Staying Healthy from Home with Yoga
Maintaining regular exercise can be difficult—doing this at home can even seem impossible. I often start a workout program at home and give it up after a week or less. This is because of discouragement, insecurity, running out of time, or simply getting sick...

Coping with COVID-19: 3 Ways to Tackle Finals Week from Home
This semester’s finals week will look a little different. There won’t be late-night Baldwin Lounge study sessions, or countless hours of cramming at the Darrell Krueger Library, or even Pizza with the President. Instead, we will be apart, but we will...

Blue Light Blues
Amidst this pandemic, a lot of individuals are having to do the majority of their work online. Blue light is something we should be concerned about as we are increasing the amount of screen time. Blue light has become a large concern, but it is not a new discovery....

What Wellness Looks Like During COVID-19
So much has happened since Winona’s spring break started. Many of us left for break thinking we’d be back on campus in a week. It seemed like overnight, the pandemic suddenly became real and significantly changed our daily lives. Change is stressful – especially when...

A Warrior’s Take on New Year’s Resolutions
With January over, New Year’s resolutions can often feel like a dream. Picking up resolutions is always an optimistic self-promise for change, but when classes, work, and daily difficulties resume, these promises can seem unrealistic, which leads to them being...