Older Posts

Resilient Warriors: Let Go
As a college student, not to mention a senior soon to be graduating, “going with the flow” might not always seem like an option. The stress of school, work, friends, etc. can take a toll on us and that’s why this video by Mick Lynch is all about finding inner peace...

Resilient Warriors: Let Your (Moral) Compass Be Your Guide
Morals and values are words brought up a lot in today’s society. There are decisions made every day in our lives individually and in the world around us that balance morality and self-interest. In other words, what is the most beneficial choice may not always be the...

National Diabetes Awareness Month: Getting Educated
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and what better way to celebrate than by getting educated? Since I don’t have diabetes I wanted to consult someone with a bit more experience to write this blog. Thankfully my mom, Brenda Solarz-Johnson, is well-educated...

Easy Nighttime Self-Care Tips to Destress
Let’s face it, we’re finally at the point in the semester where a lot of us are burning out and it can be difficult to relax in the dorms or with a roommate. Don’t worry though, there are very simple things you can add into your nighttime routine to fully destress,...
Resilient Warriors: Aim For The Bullseye
You may be hearing the word “resilience” a lot more on campus this year and that is because it is WSU’s theme. The word resiliency holds multiple meanings for different people and but having resilience is ultimately about being flexible, bouncing back from difficult...

Watch Out for the Winter Blues: Seasonal Affective Disorder
The transition out of fall and into a very cold, dark and gloomy winter for five to six months can make it much harder to get out of bed for an early class. This drastic season change can also be more serious for some students with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or...

Staying Safe This Halloween
Halloween is a fun time of year consisting of finding the perfect costume, indulging in sweets, fun decorations and watching classic Halloween movies. In Winona, it’s very popular to dress up in costumes and go out with friends. With that, it can also come with some...

What You Might Not Know About HPV
After years of health classes and sex ed, I’m sure we are all understand the dangers of STD’s, STI’s and safe sex, but what if I told you that 80% of Americans will contract the HPV virus in their lifetime, according to ashasexualhealth.org. A growing trend of HPV has...

Advice For Dealing With Change and Managing Stress
Everyone knows how stressful change can be; and I’m sure many of you are going through a lot of odd transitions at the moment. Living in a new place, new classes, making new friends or maybe even new jobs, can all contribute to stress. These changes occur so fast and...

5 Quotes For When You Need Some Motivation This Semester
Syllabus week is long over and now that we are fully immersed in this semesters worth of homework, assignments, and exams to study for, things can get a little hectic for us college students. Finding motivation to sit down and read that 65 page chapter due tomorrow,...