We strongly urge you to be up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccines before traveling as this will offer you the most amount of protection.
1. Get Vaccinated or Boosted Before You Go
The CDC recommends everyone who is 5+ to get their COVID-19 vaccine and everyone who is eligible for their booster shot to do so.
Health Services offers COVID-19 vaccines daily to all WSU students and employees–all year long. Stop by the clinic in IWC 222 to get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster shot. Please bring your insurance, student ID and your vaccine card.
You can also follow along on social media @WSUHealth to learn about upcoming vaccine opportunities.
2. Be Aware of COVID-19 Variants & Cases Around You
Currently the Omicron variant and sub variants are circulating around the United States. All variants spread faster compared to the original.
Before traveling, look into the COVID-19 caseload of your destination. Some destinations may have COVID-19 restrictions in place.
You have the power to keep cases low by being up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines, laying low before and after traveling, and wearing your mask. Additionally, if you have tested positive or have been exposed–please stay home until your isolation or quarantine period has ended.
3. Start Laying Low to Protect Those Around You
Laying low before and after traveling can help you avoid bringing the virus with you.
Laying low is similar to a small self-imposed quarantine. During this time, you’ll want to limit the interactions you have with others, the duration of those interactions, and the number of outings you take.
If you are not up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines, we encourage you to lay low and get tested 1-3 days before returning to campus.
COVID-19 Testing Recommendations
Not Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccinations
*If you are unvaccinated or late for your booster shot
If you have not up to date, the current recommendations are as follows:
Get tested 1-3 days before traveling and again 3-5 days after you return. It is recommended to self-quarantine for a full 5 days upon your arrival, even if results are negative.
Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccinations
*If you are fully vaccinated & boosted, or waiting to be eligible for a booster.
Consider getting tested 1-3 days before traveling. This can help make sure you are not bringing the virus with you.
Once you return home, self-monitor for symptoms. If symptoms develop, get tested immediately and start isolating.
4. Continue to Follow COVID-19 Guidelines All Year Long
Continue to:
- Mask up, back up, and wash up
- Stay home and get tested if you are ill
- Be up to date on your vaccinations
- Self-report if you have been exposed to or have tested positive to COVID-19, even during breaks
- Self-report if you have been vaccinated.
WSU Health & Wellness Services is here for you all year long with in-person and telehealth appointments. Continue to self-report all year long, even if you are not currently on campus–we are here to help!
Check out our website to learn more about the services we offer.