Older Posts

Managing Social Life With Academic Life

Managing Social Life With Academic Life

To all incoming freshmen (or even those who are living life slightly unbalanced!), this whole concept of school-but-free-time might seem familiar, but it’s quite the opposite. Classes aren’t always one after the other and lunch isn’t an assigned time to catch up with...

The Real Truth About Suicide

The Real Truth About Suicide

"Suicide is the second leading cause of death on college campuses." - The Real Truth About Suicide  “This is something I cannot sit still with.” - Bridgette Bixler, WSU '18 In accordance with Suicide Prevention...

Transfer Your Toolbox

Transfer Your Toolbox

As students move into the new stage of college, they want to leave behind everything associated with high school. They want to move on to a new place, with new people and new opportunities. However, it’s...

Start Your Summer Off Well

Start Your Summer Off Well

We are at the end of another year of classes as the snow finally has melted and the signs of summer are now upon us. To me, summer means having that big weight of class stress lifted off my shoulders, but we can’t forget about our health over the summer along with it....

BetterYou App = A Better You!

BetterYou App = A Better You!

The BetterYou app is still fairly new and for the best reason. You see, Winona was chosen as the pilot city that gets to try out this brand new way of encouraging healthy behaviors! This app has recipes to try, workouts ideas, and other ideas to improve your overall wellness in life.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: How To Get Involved

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: How To Get Involved

Sexual Assault Awareness Month may be over, but there are still many ways to stay involved on and off campus. Today I’m going to talk about the steps that we have taken as a university this year towards ending GBV, and introduce more ways for you to become involved now and in the future.

The Self-as-Doer: Form New Habits through Changing your Words

The Self-as-Doer: Form New Habits through Changing your Words

I am a strong believer in the fact that it doesn’t have to be January 1st to make a healthy change to your lifestyle. To prove that, I have taken on Dr. Amanda Brouwer’s challenge to make a healthy lifestyle change myself in a matter of weeks. [gallery link="none"...

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Let’s Take Back The Night

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Let’s Take Back The Night

Starting in the late 1970s in England, women protested against the violence they had experienced by walking through the streets at night, calling them Take Back the Night marches.
“TBTN is an event that is all about reclaiming yourself,” peer advocate Erik Derby said. “The march is a great opportunity to see the Winona State community joining together in action. The Speak Out is a bit more personal. It’s really powerful. Survivors will be telling their stories, and RE advocates will be available to talk to during the whole event.”

Dealing with Seasonal Allergies in College

Dealing with Seasonal Allergies in College

Spring used to be my favorite season. I loved seeing everything blooming and growing with all the color and warmth. In middle school my favorite parts of spring became the reasons why I didn’t love it anymore. ...

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