Older Posts

Orthorexia: My Experience with Eating Disorders
In honor of February being eating disorder awareness month, I have decided to share my experience with Orthorexia. Right now, you may be thinking, “What is Orthorexia?” Orthorexia Nervosa is an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. Although eating healthy is...

Why You Should Lay Low
Spring break is coming up fast. As you are packing up your bags, one thing you definitely don’t want to bring with you is COVID-19. To make your make the most out of your spring break, in good health and hopefully virus-free, you should “lay low” these next few...

Safe Travel During a Pandemic
Get up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines before you travel - CDC We get it: the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every part of our lives, especially how we travel. It’s changed the everyday bus ride to East Lake to how we moved into our res halls and apartments this...

How to Prep for Travel
We strongly urge you to be up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccines before traveling as this will offer you the most amount of protection.1. Get Vaccinated or Boosted Before You Go The CDC recommends everyone who is 5+ to get their COVID-19 vaccine and everyone who is...

What is a Co-Curricular Transcript?
A co-curricular transcript is a great representation of all the skills and experiences you gained in college beyond what your GPA could reflect. Honestly, I had no idea what a co-curricular transcript (CCT) was until I started writing this blog. So, what is it and...

How to Reuse N95 & KN95 Masks
There are several types of face masks that can help reduce the risk of communicable diseases. We know from the CDC that the key to having an effective mask is how well it fits on your face, that it is worn consistently and correctly. We are all familiar with cloth and...

The Ins & Outs of Hooking Up During a Pandemic
Let’s talk about sex. Having sex is your choice. You should never feel pressured or rushed into having sex. Always make sure to ask for consent from your partner. Consent is a verbal agreement between people about how and when they’re comfortable with being...

Safe Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Everyone
On Valentine's Day, it's expected that you spend time with your romantic partner, provide chocolates and flowers, and have a fancy dinner. But what happens if your partner has work and can't spend the day with you? What happens if you don’t have a romantic partner? ...

COVID Vaccine Incentives
What is it going to take for you to make the decision to get vaccinated, or even get your booster shot? Everyone has their price. Is it a $250 gift card to the bookstore to have your textbook costs covered for a semester? An iPad to help with your studies? What about...

A Student Perspective: Why I Finally Got Vaccinated
Whether you're for the COVID-19 vaccine or against it, getting the shot is something everyone seems to have an opinion about. Now, before you stop reading, I want to let you know that my intention in writing this is not to tell you to drop what you're doing and go get...