Older Posts

Let’s Get Spiritually Well

Let’s Get Spiritually Well

A few things may come to mind when thinking of spiritual wellness, such as religion, astrology, yoga, and meditation. However, one thing that ties all these together is a set of personal values that helps provide you with a sense of purpose and connect with your inner...

Mix Matched Shots

Mix Matched Shots

An individual who receives a second or third dose different than their initial vaccine, will be “mixing and matching” their vaccine series. CDC now allows for eligible individuals to choose which vaccine they would like to receive as a booster.   This will help those...

What to Expect When Getting Vaccinated

What to Expect When Getting Vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine is currently being distributed and administered throughout Minnesota and the United States. To give you an idea of how getting a vaccine works, here’s the run down on the vaccination process. Before Your COVID-19 Vaccine To plan & prepare for...

Cough, Sniffle & Sneeze: What Do They Mean?

Cough, Sniffle & Sneeze: What Do They Mean?

Flu season is in full swing. Some students may have already experienced illnesses within their households and classrooms. Some may have already made a trip to Health Services to get checked out by a health care provider for their symptoms. As we are nearing the end of...

Warriors Wear Purple

Warriors Wear Purple

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men have experienced some form of severe physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking at the hands of a partner.    Domestic violence includes any physical or sexual violence, threats, economic, emotional, and psychological abuse perpetuated...

The Gym Buddy Program

The Gym Buddy Program

Wanting to start your fitness journey but you’re unsure of where to start? Have no fear–the Gym Buddy Program is here to help you get started on a fitness journey that’s right for you! We are helping you based on our experiences in the gym.   Each mentor has different...

Maintaining Alcohol Safety During a Pandemic

Maintaining Alcohol Safety During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has impacted all parts of our lives, especially college party culture.   Although vaccination rates have increased across the state, we still need to stay safe this homecoming as we are not a fully vaccinated campus–at least not yet.  It’s important to...

Warriors Wear Pink

Warriors Wear Pink

Regardless of gender or gender identity, breast cancer affects us all. 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer within her lifetime. Although it is rare, men get breast cancer too. It’s probable that you or someone you know has been...

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