Live Your Best Travel Life Through Education

Read it or live it. Why not both? We have all taken a class and had expectations for it. Sometimes we will think the professor will be great or that the class will talk about what we’re interested in and it backfires. Classes are meant to prepare us for something in...

500 Stairs and Counting: St. Paul’s Cathedral

Bloedow’s Bakery is to Winona as St. Paul’s Cathedral is to London. However, at first, I did not understand its importance to the city of London – after all, it doesn’t even have donuts! Just like a newcomer in Winona trying a Bloedow’s donut for the first time,...

Why You Should Get an On-Campus Job

It was my sophomore year when I applied to Health & Wellness Services for the Student Assistant Position. It was my first job in college and I didn’t know what to expect from a student worker position. I was worried about schedule conflicts, workload, and time...

How Does Caffeine Affect Your Body?

Headaches, sleepiness, irritability, lethargy, depression, muscle pain, stiffness, cramping, lack of concentration, insomnia, dizziness, and anxiety. All of these are symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Photo by Kelsa Katzfey ’21 The Challenge Over the course of...