by Guest Blogger | Nov 7, 2022 | Intellectual, Spiritual, Wellness Blog
We all have something that we are grateful for no matter what that person or item may be and these things are important to our lives and that’s why it is so important to practice and use gratitude to become resilient warriors. This week, after watching Mick Lynch’s...
by Robin Woodhouse | Nov 3, 2021 | Spiritual, Wellness Blog
Spiritual Wellness is More Than What You Think A few things may come to mind when thinking of spiritual wellness, such as religion, astrology, yoga, and meditation. However, one thing that ties all these together is a set of personal values that helps provide you with...
by Cheney Mason | Apr 2, 2019 | Intellectual, Spiritual, Wellness, Wellness Blog
This week’s video in the resiliency series by psychologist Mick Lynch is The F Word and it might not be the same F word you are thinking of. Resiliency is about being able to cope with a crisis or issue in life and being able to quickly recover and grow from the...
by Cheney Mason | Mar 26, 2019 | Physical, Spiritual, Wellness, Wellness Blog
This week, Psychologist Mick Lynch is talking all about the importance of self-care and what his acronym CHEERS stands for. This acronym can help to remind us of all the areas we need to focus on to become a more resilient warrior. Resiliency is about being able to...
by Cheney Mason | Mar 4, 2019 | Social, Spiritual, Wellness, Wellness Blog
Have you ever found that you often compare yourself to another person? Almost all of us compare ourselves to others every day and that can be an extremely bad habit. This week’s video, Stop Comparing, by Psychologist Mick Lynch talks all about comparing and why we...
by Cheney Mason | Feb 14, 2019 | Intellectual, Spiritual, Wellness
This year’s university theme is resiliency and being resilient is all about being able to bounce back from situations and adapt when things get tough. This week’s video by psychologist Mick Lynch, Look Out Your Windshield, is all about focusing on what’s in front of...